Blood Vengeance Read online

Page 23

  She stopped about twenty feet away from the pile, her chest heaving with her exertions.

  Luukas rose slowly to his feet across the room from her.

  Even the raven was quiet.

  "Keira," he whispered.

  She turned to look at him, her eyes huge and anxious in her lovely face.

  "Come here," he ordered quietly but firmly. The tunnel out of there was closer to him than her. He reached out a hand towards her. "Come here," he repeated, a little louder.

  She nodded, but then turned back to the pile of rocks, a frown marring her lovely face.

  He felt it just as she turned to look at him in fear.

  The room began to shake as the raven took to the air. Shrieking, she flew in circles around the rubble. Dust and small rocks started to slide down the sides.

  "Keira!" he bellowed.

  He headed towards her, and she turned to run to him, stumbling as the tremors became stronger, throwing her off balance.

  She fell to her knees, and scrambled to get back up, but before she could, the pile of stone exploded from within. With a cry, she dropped to the floor and covered her head with her arms.

  Luukas ducked, barely avoiding the flying debris. Staying low, he ran towards her, desperate to reach her and get them the fuck out of there.

  But he was too late.

  With a roar, the cloaked one leapt from the remains of stone, landing between him and Keira. Grabbing her by the ankle, he angrily flung her upwards as if she weighed little more than a stuffed doll. She screamed as she flew through the air, flying up a hundred feet to slam into the pointed arches of the cathedral-like ceiling.

  Luukas skidded to a halt as she stayed up there, splayed out like a butterfly stuck in glue.

  The cloaked one spun around to face him. "Now, where were we, vampire?"

  In a flash, Luukas was on him. His fists flew as he pounded on him, needing the release of physically hitting the son of a bitch. He managed to land a few good hits before he was thrown back with a motion of his opponent's hand.

  Landing on his feet, he advanced again. They prowled around each other, eyeing each other up, searching for weaknesses.

  Luukas was the first to attack.

  Leaping through the air, he came down from above with bared fangs, determined to rip the son of a bitch's head from his body. But fast as he could move, the cloaked one was just as fast, blocking him and flinging him back through the air.

  Luukas jumped to his feet, about to attack again, when a buzzing noise filled his head and a blinding pain exploded behind his eyes.

  "Ahhhh!!" He slammed his hands to his head, falling to his knees. Knives were stabbing through his skull, made worse by Keira's screams from above as she hung there helpless.

  Gritting his teeth, he looked up with crazed eyes to find the cloaked one quickly approaching him, his hood pulled back up to hide his face. The raven landed on his shoulder, squawking into his ear as he stormed purposely towards Luukas to impart the finishing blow.

  As Luukas watched, he raised his hands, curling them towards each other like he was holding a ball in between them.

  Or a head.

  The pressure increased as he watched him push his hands closer together, until he thought his skull was going to implode. Falling to the side, he rolled onto his back as the cloaked one stood over him. He squeezed his eyes shut in anguish as he felt blood dripping from his ears, the buzzing in his head growing louder every second.


  Keira's scream broke through the noise and pain.

  "Luukas! Get up! Get up!"

  Yes, he must get up. He must help her.

  Calling on the life forces of all those he had created flowing through his veins, he fought back against the constriction in his head.

  He was not weak. He was not unworthy.

  The mountain shuddered around them as he released the full potential of his essence, fighting off the cloaked one's black magic. Slowly, steadily, he rose to his full height. Lowering his hands from his hand, he threw a small blast of power at the cloaked one, knocking him off balance. It wasn't much, but it was enough to break his concentration, and Luukus felt the pressure and noise in his head ease up immediately.

  In its place, he allowed all the pent up pain and suffering he'd experienced the last seven years rise up within him. It possessed him completely, until he was little more than an animal, protecting what was his.

  Debris fell from the ceiling as the slender columns leading up to the arches shook in their bases. Fissures appeared in the dark, stone walls as Luukas stalked forward, his prey firmly in his sights.

  The cloaked one backed up slowly, glancing around at the crumbling cavern. When he reached the steps, he stopped, and waited for Luukas.

  Suddenly, the mountain groaned loudly, shifting on its foundation. A loud booming noise came from behind Luukas, like thunder, and he turned to find the floor opening up as the ground shifted.

  The crack snaked along, breaking the tiles until it crossed the entire room. It was at least twenty feet across, effectively cutting him off from the exit.

  His attention diverted, the cloaked one took advantage of the opportunity to send a forceful push his way, sending him feet first over the edge of the chasm in the middle of the room. Twisting around, he barely caught the edge in time, halting his flight. Looking down, he tried to see how far down it went. He couldn't see the bottom, even with his vampire sight.

  Gripping the sides with the toes of his boots, he vaulted back up over the side, springing to his feet just in time to block the large rock flying at his head.

  With a snarl, he launched himself at the cloaked one, taking him down to the floor. They rolled towards the stairs, each trying to get the upper hand. Luukas found himself on the bottom when they stopped, and pain wracked his jaw as a solid punch landed there, followed by another, and another.

  Although he was a bit larger, the cloaked one was powerful. Too powerful for a normal human, too powerful even for a witch. But Luukas had no time to think more of it as he threw his arms up to protect his face. Heaving his body to the side, he managed to buck him off, and they both jumped to their feet.

  The cloaked one began to back away. Luukas stalked him with glowing eyes.

  Pushing his hood back, he smiled as he reached the edge of the crack, blood running from his mouth and nose. "Leeha's really gonna be pissed that you broke her fortress."

  Glancing up at Keira, he wished her farewell, "Until we meet again, cousin."

  Then without warning, he stepped back over the edge, the raven taking flight off of his shoulder as he fell into the chasm. She swooped in a circle before following him down with a loud call.

  Luukas looked up just as Keira, released from his spell, suddenly started to fall facedown towards the floor. Reacting quickly, he flew to the edge of the chasm.

  She was going to fall right into it.

  Backing up a few steps, he got a running start and pushed off the edge of the floor, colliding with her mid-air and taking her with him to the other side, landing on his feet. Adjusting her in his arms, he didn't stop, taking off at full vamp speed towards the exit tunnel.

  He had a horrible sense of déjà vu as he ran through the mountain, his angel in his arms. Only this time, she was awake and clinging to him tightly, and the tunnel was collapsing behind him as he rushed towards the sound of the creek and the way out.

  He saw light ahead. The cave opening! He was going to make it!

  Wait. Light?

  No, no, no! The sun was up!

  He skidded to a halt just out of reach of the beams of light. Spinning around to face the direction he'd just come from, he watched with horrified eyes as the cave walls shook, and large rocks broke off from the walls and ceiling to fall into the creek with a splash.

  His heart pounding, he spun back around. The SUV was too far. They'd never make it.

  Fuck! Fuck!

  Wait. There was an outcropping of rock not far from the entr
ance that they may be able to take shelter in. Question was, would he make it there before bursting into flame, for real this time? It would only take a second for him to combust.

  "Luukas!" Keira yelled. "Put me down!"

  He realized that she was struggling in his arms, and he held her tighter. "I'm going to try to make those rocks!" he shouted over the noise of the cave-in.

  Keira followed the direction he indicated with his chin, and her eyes grew wide with fear.

  "You'll never make it! No, Luukas! Put me down!"

  She fought him violently until he had no choice but to put her down or hurt her. Wasting no time, she stepped around him to face the cave-in, planted her bare feet firmly in the earth, and raised her arms.

  Even though she was shouting at the top of her lungs, he could barely hear her chanting above the mountain's rumbling.

  He would give her exactly 20 seconds. If nothing was happening, he was grabbing her and making a run for it.

  Suddenly, more rock started falling closer around them, landing just in front of Keira. Panicking, he went to grab her around the waist and take her with him, but no sooner had his hands touched her than he was shot backwards through the air and into the wall next to the entrance. A shaft of sunlight hit his arm, and he yanked it closer to his body, slapping out the flames.

  Charging forward, he was again thrown away from her, crashing into the wall with a grunt.

  He was getting really fucking tired of being thrown through the air.

  Adrenaline rushed through his system as more rock fell around them, and he was about to go for her again when he noticed something strange.

  The rock falling around them wasn't just falling randomly; it was creating a half-circle around them, a protective igloo between them and the crumbling mountain. The witch was directing the falling stone, creating a pocket right by the entrance to the cave, leaving a small opening to the outside for them to leave through once the sun went down.

  Exhausted, Luukas slid down the wall to sit on the ground as far from the rays of the shining sun as he could.

  When the last rock was in place around them, Keira lowered her arms and checked out her handiwork.

  Looking over her shoulder at him, she gave him a radiant smile, and his breath left his lungs with a whoosh! at the sight.

  His strong, beautiful witch.

  His angel.

  She was saving them.

  The daylight pulled him down, and exhausted from all he'd just gone through, Luukas closed his eyes and gave in to sleep.

  His last thought before he slept was of a dark-haired enchantress, with bright eyes and a seductive smile.

  Chapter 37


  Keira watched Luukas sleep, his head on her lap. Gently pushing his soft hair off of his face, she let her gaze wander over his handsome features. Relaxed in slumber, he looked young, much too young to have been through all he had.

  She hadn't slept much herself, only managing to doze a bit. She'd been too worried about him. Fighting back a sob, she looked out at the increasing shadows. The sun was finally setting.

  She'd been crying most of the day, overcome with all that had happened now that she had time to stop and think about it. She hated crying. Her eyes burned, and she knew they must be red and swollen.

  Fed up with herself and her self-thrown pity party, she swiped at the tears with the heel of her hand impatiently.

  The temperature was dropping and she shivered, wishing she had the clothes back that she'd been wearing when she'd arrived here. Guess they hadn't been dramatic enough for Leeha's little production, hence the white slip of a gown she'd been wrestled into.

  Luukas began to stir on her lap, interrupting her thoughts, and she bit her lip, waiting anxiously for him to wake. His eyes fluttered open, and she found herself staring into twin pools of bright silver.

  Silver! Not black!

  "Hey there," she whispered with a watery smile.

  Lifting a hand, he gently touched her face, his startling eyes searching hers, his features creased with concern.

  Suddenly, he sat up and jumped to his feet. Reaching down, he pulled Keira up beside him. "We need to get out of here."

  She agreed whole-heartedly, following him out into the semi-darkness.

  He helped her into the vehicle and buckled her up. Speeding over to his side, he got in and did the same. Retrieving the keys from their hiding place, he cranked the engine, threw it into reverse, turned it around, and peeled out of there.

  Neither spoke until they were back on the main road.


  "Hmm?" he responded, checking the rearview mirror again.

  "Are you all right?" Stupid question, she knew, but she couldn't stop herself from asking it.

  He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. "Maybe. Eventually."

  She stared out the front windshield. "Do you hate me?"

  A few moments passed, before he quietly told her. "I did."

  Did that mean he didn't anymore?

  She studied his profile, but his expression gave nothing away, and she was afraid to delve any farther into that answer.

  They rode in silence for a long time after that, getting through the border with no issues. Keira had so many things she wanted to say, so many questions, but she didn't want to overwhelm him. So she sat quietly, watching the scenery go by, feeling more alone and unsure than she ever had in her life.

  They were traveling down an isolated stretch of I-5 when Luukas suddenly jerked the car over to the side of the road, slamming on the breaks and skidding to a halt.

  Keira gripped the dashboard, her heart pounding in her chest. "What's the matter? What is it?"

  Turning the engine off, he sat staring straight ahead into the darkness.

  "Luukas? What's wrong?"

  "I don't hate you," he finally told her, turning to look at her. "I don't hate you, Keira."

  "But, how could you not...after everything..."

  "I don't hate you. Not now, not anymore. When I saw you lying there, and I was convinced I'd given in to the darkness in my mind..." Gritting his teeth, he swallowed hard and looked straight ahead again, staring into the night. "I'd never felt such pain. Never," he ground out. "Nothing that you had ever done to me even came close to the torment I felt when I thought I had lost you. When I thought I"

  A glimmer of hope blossomed in her as he spoke.

  "And I realize now," he continued, his voice harsh with emotion, "That I never want to feel like that again." His eyes blazed through her as he turned to look at her intently. Lifting a hand towards her, he picked up a strand of her hair, brushing her breast with the backs of his fingers. Her breath hitched in her chest, his brief touch sending a bolt of electricity through her.

  "I know I'm not a male that you would imagine yourself being with. I'm broken, Keira, and I don't know if I'll ever be whole again. But, I would like to ask you to stay...just stay. I know it won't be easy, but I need you. My very soul aches for you, even now, when you're sitting right beside me. Please, I'm asking you. Stay with me."

  "Luukas, I don't know what to say..."

  "Say that you will. Say that you'll stay with me. I can't promise that I'll ever be completely right again, I can't promise you anything, except that I will always take care of you the best that I can."

  Tears filled her eyes again. Unbuckling her seatbelt, she hiked up her dress and crawled across the console and onto his lap. Taking his face in her hands, she kissed him soundly. His tentative smile tore at her heart, and she relished the feeling of his strong arms coming around her to hold her close.

  "I don't deserve this," she confessed. "But I'll take you anyway. I love you, vampire. I've wanted to tell you for so long. I've loved you since the first moment I saw you." Her face clouded with the memory. "And I'm so sorry..." Her voice broke as she tried to voice her feelings.

  He took her head firmly between his hands and forced her to look up at him. "Stop that now. I und
erstand why you did what you did. We'll work through it."

  "What if we can't?" she asked forlornly.

  "We will," he declared firmly. "Because I love you also, witch. I don't ever want to be without you."

  "Then you're going to need to stop running off to other women," she scolded.

  His eyes burned steadily into hers. "I did not have sex with anyone that night, Keira. I was trying to prove that this 'mate' business was nothing but a bunch of bullshit."

  "And what did you find out?" she asked, genuinely curious.

  "I discovered that it was true, I couldn't drink from anyone else. I tried."

  Jealousy burned through her at the thought of him embracing other women, whether it worked out or not was a moot point.

  "Keira, look at me."

  She did so, reluctantly.

  "I was a fool. Mate or not, there is no one else for me, witch."

  Pulling her face to him, he took her lips roughly, possessively, until she was squirming on his lap with need.

  Releasing her face, he gripped her by the back of the neck with one hand, continuing to kiss her while skimming the other down over her breast. He hefted its weight in his palm, rolling the nipple between his fingers, before continuing down and around to her side to grip her hip.

  Her blood pounded through her veins, and her belly clenched as she felt him growing hard underneath her backside. She ran her hands over his hard chest and shoulders, wrapping her arms around him and holding him tightly to her.

  "Luukas," she managed to get out breathlessly between kisses. "We need to get home."

  He growled with displeasure. "I want to take you, right now."

  Her insides turned to jelly at his words, desire pooling between her thighs. Who was she to deny him after all she'd put him through?

  But no, she wanted to get home to his apartment, where they would both feel safe.

  "I want that too," she told him, her voice husky with desire. "But I'd rather do it at your place, where it's safe."

  He pulled his head out of her neck where he'd been scraping his fangs erotically against her skin, and nodded. "Ok, yeah. Let's go home."