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Blood Vengeance Page 22


  "Look at yourself!" she commanded.

  He did as she told him, realizing for the first time that there wasn't a mark on him. "I must've healed," he rationalized, but even his clothes were dry and intact.

  How could that be? Where was the blood?

  A sharp pain shot through his skull as his mind tried to separate fantasy from reality. He didn't know what was real and what wasn't. It was too much!

  "Luukas, I need you to get a grip here. I'm so sorry about all of this, but I need you to keep it together. Do you hear me? I can't do this alone. He's too strong."

  Stars floated in front of his eyes as his head swam. His mind was trying to shut down, unable to take it all in.

  "Luukas," the angel called to him. "Stay with me."

  He fought the blackness. Much as he would like to surrender to its peaceful sleep, his angel needed him.

  Swaying where he sat, he shook his head. "You can't be real. I saw you, Keira. I saw you...broken..."

  "Look at me, vampire." She took his face in her hands again. "I'm here. I'm real. It's ok."

  He studied her closely, trying to discern if she was, indeed, real. There were fading bruises on her neck. Why would they be fading before his eyes?

  I gave her my blood. He answered his own question.

  His eyes widened as she leaned towards him, capturing his lips with her own.

  "I'm here," she whispered, kissing him again.

  A small sob escaped him as he kissed her back.

  Please, let this be real!

  Wrapping his arms around her, he leaned back and pulled her down on top of him, feeling the weight of her body settle into his. Her soft curves crushed against him, and he hugged her tight, kissing her lips, her jaw...her beautiful eyes. He nuzzled her neck, inhaling her sweet scent.

  How could I smell her if she wasn't real?

  His body hardened at the feel of her, his fangs slid down and his gums ached at the scent of her, his mouth watered at the thought of tasting her. Running his hands down her back, he cupped her plump ass, grinding himself up into her softness. Her flesh was firm and supple under her thin gown, and warm, so very warm.

  How could I feel her if she wasn't real?

  She groaned in his ear, pulling her knees up to straddle him.


  Finding the hem of her dress, he hiked it up around her hips while she balanced herself on her elbows on either side of his head. Slipping his hands underneath the silky material, he ran his palms up her smooth thighs and over her behind. One arm encircled her back, holding her close against him as his other hand reached down and found her wet folds from behind.

  She gasped as he slipped a finger inside of her. Pulling it out, he replaced it with two fingers, stretching her, feeling her muscles grasp him as he tried to remove them.

  He moaned into her neck as he felt her respond to him.

  Sitting up with her on his lap, he never took his eyes from her face as he undid his jeans and pulled himself out. Her skin was flushed and damp, her eyes were wide and her mouth was open slightly. He glanced down at her full breasts, straining against the material of her gown, the low neckline giving him quite a view. His cock throbbed in his hand, and he groaned, wanting to be inside of her. Needing to be inside of her.

  She lifted herself and held her gown up with one hand so he could place himself at her entrance.

  As soon as he was there, he wrapped both arms around her and thrust inside.

  She hid her face between his neck and shoulder with a groan, her arms wrapped around him, gripping his T-shirt.

  "Look at me, Keira," he ordered fiercely. "I need to see you."

  She raised her head, and he locked his eyes on hers. With his hands on her hips, he lifted her up and down. She was so tight, and so fucking wet, and real or not, he'd never felt anything like being inside of this female.

  But how could she not be real? He could feel her! Was it all true then, what she'd said?

  Breathing hard, she threw her head back as he thrust harder and faster. "Luukas...I'm going to come!" she exclaimed softly.

  At her words, an animalistic growl escaped him. Quickly flipping her over onto her back, he kept an arm around her, arching her into him as he pounded into her. Sinking his fangs into her throat, his orgasm hit him fast and hard, his shout muffled against her skin. Her cries mingled with his as she joined him. He felt her pulsing around him, demanding everything from him, and he gave it to her.

  He lay still for a long time, catching his breath, until he finally worked up the nerve to roll off of her, afraid of what he would see underneath him.

  Afraid he really had gone mad.

  But she smiled up at him, touching his face.

  He kissed her palm, briefly closing his eyes in relief.

  "See?" she said. "I'm really real. But Luukas..."

  He'd been running his eyes, and his hand, along her body, reassuring himself that she was, in fact, still alive and unhurt, but lifted his eyes to hers at her tone.

  "We really need to get out of here."

  He nodded in agreement.

  "Are you all right?" she asked as she got up off of the floor.

  No. "Yes," he told her firmly. Getting up, he re-fastened his jeans.

  She smiled and took his hand. "Then let's get the hell out of here."

  He pulled her back to him when she went to walk away, and gave her a stern look.

  "You're never leaving my sight again, witch," he informed her harshly.

  She smiled at him happily. "I know." Then she narrowed her eyes. "The same goes for you, vampire."

  Ah, yes. He had some explaining to do, but it would have to wait.

  Chapter 35


  Keira followed Luukas up the stairs and through the tunnels. They moved as swiftly and as quietly as they could. They'd be able to move much faster if he carried her, but she'd insisted on walking. She wanted his hands to be free, just in case. Barefoot, she jogged behind him, trying to avoid the worst of the rocky terrain.

  She kept an eye on him as they traversed the tunnels back out the way he'd come in. He seemed ok, all things considered. Was he really ok?

  She wasn't sure.

  No, he was strong, inside and out. He'd be fine.

  She hoped.

  Guilt wracked her once more. She should never have left the apartment like that. She should've known that Leeha wouldn't just let them go. It was stupid of her not to think of that. She'd made it so easy for them to get him to come here again, and she didn't understand why he was being so damn nice to her. If she were him, she would hate her.

  Instead, he held her hand tightly, glancing back every now and then, like he was reassuring himself that she was truly there. She would squeeze his hand, and he'd look ahead, only to check her out again a few seconds later. She felt his uncertainty, but didn't know what else she could do to convince him she wasn't dead. It would just take time, she supposed.

  And maybe some other people interacting with her in front of him.

  It seemed to take much longer to find their way this time, and every time they turned a corner, she expected a gang of Leeha's monsters to be waiting for them. But they didn't see anything other than a few rats scurrying along the edge of the tunnel floor.

  Luukas slowed as they approached the main cathedral room, pulling Keira up close behind him. Cautiously, he peered around the corner of the hole in the wall, listening carefully.

  Out of breath, she put her face against his back, trying to muffle her heavy breathing. The muscles under her cheek suddenly tensed.

  She supposed it would've been too much to ask for them to have gotten out undetected.

  Straightening up, she tried to pull her hand from his, but he held on tight. She wondered who was out there, and how they were going to get by them. If it was those ugly creatures, it should be easy. She could zap the ones coming from behind while Luukas cleared the way in front of them. No problem.

bsp; Peeking around his arm, she tried to see who or what was making her vampire stiffen up like he was. She searched what she could see of the room, frowning, but no one was there.

  She heard the raven at the same time she felt it: The evil presence of the cloaked one.

  Flattening her back against the wall behind Luukas, her mind spun as she tried to think of another plan. It was too late to retreat. He knew they were there just as they could tell he was. There was no way they could sneak out without him knowing, and as far as she knew, the tunnel on the other side of the room was the only exit. Even if they tried to backtrack, they would be trapped.

  There was no other choice. They would have to fight.

  Bracing herself, she stepped up beside Luukas. When he noticed her there, he looked at her in alarm. But then he nodded once, a firm resolve stealing his features.

  Together, they stepped out into the room.

  The cloaked one was slouched on Leeha's throne, one jean-clad leg thrown over the arm, his raven perched on one forearm as he scratched her head with his other hand. He didn't so much as look up when they entered the room, but she knew he was aware they were there.

  Giving the bird one final scratch, he exclaimed, "Finally! It took you two forever to get here." Whispering something to the raven, he lifted her to the back of the throne, where she perched with a sound of protest.

  Luukas pulled Keira slightly behind him, and she let him. Because honestly? She was pretty damn scared right now.

  Luukas' deep voice echoed throughout the cavernous room. "You could just let us go. That would be the wise choice."

  He rose from the throne to his full height. "Wise for whom? For me?" He laughed. "No, vampire. I'm afraid I can't do that. You see, I promised Leeha that I would not let you go without a fight, in return for letting me keep something that she's recently acquired. It was a fair deal, and I never go back on my promises."

  "So, where is Leeha?" Luukas asked. "Running away, like the coward she truly is?"

  He just smiled. "She had...other things to attend to."

  They stood their ground as he casually descended the stairs. He reminded Keira of a monk with his hooded cloak, his hands tucked up into the sleeves - an evil, black-clad monk, whose religion was something unlike anything she'd ever seen before. He had magic, like her, she could feel it in the air. But it was also something more. She couldn't put her finger on it. All she knew was that he frightened her. Frightened her more than any other being she'd ever come across before.

  She was worried that Luukas wasn't up to a battle of the magnitude it would surely take for them to have any chance at all of escaping this one. And she already knew her magic alone was not enough to defeat him, as he'd proven to her so easily when he'd taken her off of the street. Powerful as her magic was, it was like a child's toy compared to his. He could also communicate with that raven, and read her mind, if his smirking earlier was any indication.

  He stopped in the middle of the room. "So, cousin, are you going to hide behind your male? Or are you going to live up to the family name and show us what you're really made of?"

  She stepped out from behind Luukas. "Why do you keep calling me 'cousin'? I'm no cousin of yours."

  Crossing his arms in front of him, his tone indicating that he didn't really need to ask, he inquired, "You're Keira Moss, aren't you? Of the notorious Moss family of witches?" He answered his own question, "Of course you are. You have a sister, Emma, and both of your parents are dead." He lowered his head respectfully, "Rest In Peace Aunt and Uncle." He raised his head again. "Your family is quite well known, in spite of the fact that they ran off from our corrupt coven, or actually, because they had the balls to do just that. You come from a long line of potent witches, Keira. And believe it or not, I'm a part of that line. That," he gave a small shrug. "And more. Although I have to say, I was rather disappointed in how easy it was for me to suppress your magic when I pulled you into the van. I mean, come on! Oh, and earlier in the cell. What was that all about? You barely even put up a fight. Either one of you! What's up with that?" He seemed to genuinely want to know.

  Luukas walked forward, not stopping until they were toe to toe. Slightly taller and broader, her vampire looked down at him.

  "Why don't you try me now?" he challenged.

  She stayed back where she was, watching, waiting for her chance to act. It wouldn't be effective if he saw it coming. He would just hold her, impotent, as he had before, and her magic would be useless. But if she could catch him at just the right time...

  "What are you going to do, vampire? Hmm? The only thing I can recall you ever doing is screaming," he taunted.

  A shiver ran over Keira as the temperature dropped, the air becoming eerily still, like Luukas.

  The calm before the storm.

  An intimidating growl made the hair stand up on her arms as he clenched his hands into fists at his sides. Without warning, he hauled back his right arm and swung, moving so fast the cloaked one had no time to react. Luukas' fist cracked into his jaw, sending him spinning to the floor.

  He jumped to his feet, spitting out blood, his hood knocked askew. He pushed it off of his head impatiently, revealing dark hair that curled at his nape. Golden eyes flashed dangerously as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

  "So that's how we're going to play it?" He laughed then. "A master vampire, brought so low that he's resorting to a fist fight, like a couple of high school kids. Or are you just afraid? Afraid that you're not the all-powerful being you think you are?"

  He paced back and forth in front of Luukas, never taking his eyes from his foe. "Yes, I think that's exactly what it is. You're afraid, because you know you're not the male you used to be before all of this. And you know what? I think you're right. The Luukas Kreek I'd always heard about was infamous for his daring deeds, and for his great power. No one dared to go up against him. 'The most powerful Master vampire of his time', they say."

  He stopped directly in front of Luukas again, sneering, "I don't see that vampire here. All I see is an insecure male, one not worthy of my cousin. I think she needs to find another mate. One who will be able to protect her. One who is worthy of her. One who is worth her time! And her love!"

  Throughout all of this, Luukas had stood frozen, following the cloaked one with his eyes as he paced the floor. His lips twitching back off of his fangs and his clenched jaw the only indication that his words were affecting him.

  Keira felt her blood pressure rise as he taunted Luukas. It was like he was in his head, exposing every doubt, every fear. How dare he! When he and his bitch, Leeha, were the ones who had done this to him!

  Pressing her lips into a thin line, she widened her stance, planting her feet solidly on the floor.

  She'd had enough.

  Never taking her eyes from his black-cloaked form, she began to chant quietly but firmly.

  It didn't take long for him to notice. Abruptly, he stopped talking, and his head whipped towards her. He looked genuinely pleased.

  "Ah, cousin. You've joined the fight at last! Good thing too. Between you and me, I'm kinda worried about this one," he indicated Luukas with a tilt of his head.

  In response, she chanted louder, feeling the earth's energy empower her. Suddenly, she threw out her right hand and made an upward slashing motion.

  The cloaked one was thrown up into the air and then body slammed to the floor. Rolling to the side, he barely avoided the large piece of rubble from the broken wall she hurtled at the spot where his head had been. It smashed onto the floor, shards of rock flying in all directions.

  The raven flapped her wings, her worried voice adding to the commotion as she paced the top of the throne.

  Rising quickly to his feet again, he threw up both hands, slamming Keira into the wall behind her. "And that was your one chance, cousin."

  Her head slammed against rock, and she felt a wetness seeping through her hair. Sliding her hands and feet until they were flush against the wall, she closed her eyes a
nd drew on every ounce of her magic. With a shout, she broke his hold and pushed off of the wall, landing on her feet. Without pause, she ran for cover behind a large portion of the wall that was still erect.

  Breathing hard, she felt the back of her head. Her hand came away bloody.


  Luukas had better snap the hell out of it, and soon, or they were in big trouble.

  Chapter 36


  Shame filled Luukas as the cloaked one's humiliating words echoed in his head. He tried to deny the feeling, telling himself it wasn't true! He did deserve her! He was good enough for her! But in his heart of hearts, he couldn't deny the truth of those words, and it froze him where he stood, unable to react or defend himself.

  However, as soon as Keira went flying into the wall, Luukas came alive: the words, the shame, all of it forgotten.


  Spinning on his heal, he came up behind the cloaked one as he strode past him, heading directly towards his female. With a flick of his hand, he sent him flying backwards, away from her hiding place. He landed on his back at the bottom of the stairs, and Luukas flew across the room, landing on top of him as he slid across the floor.

  Fangs bared, he grabbed him by the shoulders, lifting his exposed throat to his mouth with a feral snarl.

  But before he could latch onto the bastard, he was being lifted up and off of him and thrown across the room.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a white blur as Keira came running from her hiding place to help him.

  "No! Keira! Stay back!" But she paid him no heed.

  His eyes widened with fear for her. But there was no need. She was stunning in her sorcery, her hair blowing about her face, her eyes lit from within, as she floated towards the male still on the floor. Chanting words he didn't understand, she sent a barrage of weapons flying at him.

  Pieces of stone she couldn't possibly lift flew through the air past her and rained from the ceiling as she gutted the place. The cloaked one was trapped at the bottom of the stairs as it piled around him, burying him underneath it all. He had no time to react.